
Thursday, May 17, 2012

RIP Miss Donna

I was saddened to learn of the passing of Miss Donna Summer, she had had such an impact on me as a child of elementary age and then into Jr. High.  That is where Disco really became the cultured joke that it is today.  The year was 1978 and my friends and I had gone to the movies to see Thank God it’s Friday where we heard her sing Last Dance as a shy up and coming singer in the movie.  Then she was Hot Stuff and finally I learned to play the guitar on MacArthur Park where my little cousin would constantly interrupt me asking why would someone leave a cake out in the rain.  Sidebar:  She is a baker now, a really good one.

So now I am a grown woman with children and GBabies and I still hum a little tune about the cake in the rain.  Rest in Peace Miss Donna, you will be greatly missed.

1948 - 2012

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