Waiting for a grandchild while assisting in the preparation for one is not only exhilarating but time consuming as well. I planned and executed a babyshower fit for a princess about to bear the future Queen. This festivity included the omnipresent baby pink decor, the regaled party games that everyone hates but can’t wait to play. The food was a culinary delight handmade by moi. Family and friends were bountiful and the smile on my daughter’s face when she walked in was priceless! So with that done and the little clothes, receiving blankets and teeny little sockies had been washed folded and put away, it was now time to wait! Tick Tock! Then as the due date perceived by those medical types neared, they tell her there was an error and her due date was extended for a week. Talk about air out of a balloon!
So on Feb 22nd, I receive the ping that is my text tone! It is 6:31 a.m.
Just got to hosp. contr 5-6 m aprt.
no water break. Just waiting for doc
to do an exam to see if I need to stay.
I’ll text u ltr.What? Through blinking eyes, I read it again and then? Recognition!! I jump out of bed like a crazy person and think about GBabies one and two that I had missed. Slam! Fear takes over so I send the panic stricken text back, (well because you know it’s all about me!)
If I don’t come now I’ll miss it!!!
No response (it’s not like she’s busy or anything) so I send another one:
I’m getting dressed and on my way
To which she replies:
I’m 1 ½ cm. There gonna send me home.
So I ask her if she needs anything and she replies: Sleep
Well being the persistent, panic-stricken, self-indulging Mother that she was saddled with, I continue to text her with my motherly advice. You know, like to remember to drink lots of water so her and baby don’t get dehydrated which I am sure she appreciated as the cramped waves of pain roll through her belly and at times double her over. Then of course, since I have not received a response I feel the need to offer them a flat of bottled water. To which they are too kind in responding multiple thank you’s and let me have my way with their moment.
So the day progresses and they go back to the hospital so she can be checked again because the contractions are more intense and now 3 - 4 minutes apart. As I am driving, I begin to tear up thinking about the day she was born and how this is it. She is going to be a mommy!
I sit in the waiting area and after an hour or so I see them and they are leaving again. Son in law is pushing MK in a wheelchair and I get up to follow. As I look down at my beautiful girl, she rolls her head around and lazily looks up at me and says with a growl. “Hey Mommmmmy, they gave me morphine” Then the dimpled smile appears and is followed by a song. “And I’m feeling good!” Buble would be proud. We all go home and wait some more.
The 23rd~
Five AM, the phone rings and it’s MK telling me that she needs me so I tell her I’m on my way. I get to her house and we begin to monitor the contractions because we can’t go in until she is 1-2 minutes apart and the contractions last at least 30 – 45 seconds. Two hours later, we are on our way and she is admitted! SIL and I are in the room while she toils away at handling the contractions, gets her epidural and uncomfortably rolls side to side. Then after 35 hours of labor, we receive the news from her Doc that she is dilated to 10! Yayyy! What they don’t say is that after the ever hoped for TEN is achieved, they want to wait so the pushing will be easier!!
Finally the pushing is here and she was a trooper! The funniest part for me was the comparison of when my children were born. We didn’t have cell phones or texting to relay the demanded information about MK and the baby. I watched my SIL text both of their phones simultaneously as he helped her push, then it was the TV remote to surf for the right music channel because the baby should be born to “slow jamz”.
The next two hours blurred as I participated in the pushing, wiped her brow with a wet cloth, gave her some ice chips and watched my Gbaby come into this world!! It was the most amazing experience of my life and I thank God I was there to experience it. Once she was cleaned up and everyone was in the room to visit and see the brand new little person with oooos and ahhhhhs. My daughter grabbed my hand, held tight and watched her daughter. Which I did as well and it was then in that moment that I realized that I had not only had the blessing of watching my Gbaby come into this world but I got to see a Mommy born that day as well.
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