This provoked a thought or two in me, you see her man has been working on a new venture and has only been at it for a while. Although not successful yet, he is doing well and moving forward, albeit slowly, nonetheless moving forward with heart and determination. Now we all know that no one really knows what goes on in a relationship except the two in it and sometimes they don’t even know so I have no judgment. I think all actions taken and time valued support during a lifetime results in a great life and when you look back, you smile or tear up. Yes?
Bringing it back to me, I started my venture with less enthusiasm from friends and family then her man. Support stories are everywhere. From friends, in movies, within books and even through a beautiful song they can be found. In my experience it doesn’t happen that way. So I surge forward with this dream of mine and if I am lucky enough to do well then I will probably throw out a dimpled smile, pop a bottle of the bubbly and buy them all presents. *sigh*
Where are you going with this Miss Ramble? Awww… Thanks for asking *smile*
I can’t say my Sweet significant was excited that my work contract ended and while searching for a job in this economy, I decide to begin a writing career from ground zero. Nope. With very little enthusiasm he said “good luck with it Honey”. Now it wasn’t the smile, hug, pat on the back with music playing in the background that I had imagined but it was what he could give me at the time.
One day while we were at Costco buying his Droid (my current nemesis, will explain another time), I sauntered off to look at the laptops (word is Santa’s bringing me one for Christmas). What began as a quote to determine if I was comfortable with the keys and WordPad, a story erupted with each keystroke. Yep! Right there in the store. By the time he found me thirty or so minutes later, the story had evolved. When I saw Sweet coming, I killed off my main guy because I thought he was going to say let’s go and cried for the guy. Sweet couldn’t believe it when I told him what I had done, then asked if he could read it to which my smiled reply was “of course”. He loved it! He hugged me and told me how proud he was. Needless to say, I had to leave the story there on the demo laptop. So he took pictures of each page with his new phone and I left it there. I cried again.
So I am going to post it for all to read. It is over a thousand words and is unedited so keep that in mind. Please note the line when I saw Sweet coming to find me. I abruptly killed the guy right after the paramedic was about to save him….
awwww *tear*
When time stands still….
When time stands still it can feel like a lifetime. That is what happened when Ronnie skid sideways on his Harley until the bike finally released him into a world of pain, agony and disbelief. The bike continued to skid and then toppled over the embankment and down the gully until it came to a stop and folded around the redwood tree a quarter the way down. Ronnie’s friends all came running after stopping and getting off their bikes to see if he was ok.
“Good thing he had his vest on!” screamed Toni as she came sliding to his side on her knees. “Look at his arms! She cried.
Ronnie lay there on the asphalt along the Avenue of the Giants and his head was telling him he was in pain but his body felt nothing. He looked around to the chaotic scene and voices hovering over him. Jackson was screaming into the phone for an ambulance. Calm, cool, collected Jackson screaming at the top of his lungs, cursing at the recipient on the other end of the call. He hadn’t taken his helmet off yet. Weird. He always removes his helmet as he is swinging his leg off the bike. It is his “manly” disembarking ritual. Can’t wait to give him shit about this he thought. Is he on his knees? Something is wrong.
Oh there’s Toni. Beautiful Toni, why is she crying? She is such a tough bitch, that’s why I fell in love with her. What are you saying honey? I can’t understand you, it’s all so fuzzy. Did you say bleeding? Something is wrong. Wow, look at all of you standing here. Where are the bikes? Did we stop for a beer? What are we waiting for?? Let’s get that beer and then ride!!
“What did they say Jackson?” Clyde asked as he finished giving everyone else in the club orders. Clyde was the self imposed leader of the RoadRiders, when tragedy occurred he was the guy in charge. Boxx and Kelly were directing traffic around the accident area. Butch and Greg were down further telling the other bikers and vehicle traffic to slow down. Bruce, Guy and Scott were moving all the bikes out of the middle of the road to make way for the emergency vehicles when they get here.
“They said five minutes, how is he?”
“He’s ok, aren’t you buddy” Clyde looked over at Ronnie. “Toni’s with him. What the hell happened? Who was behind him?”
“I think Bruce was behind him but you know Ronnie, he was probably showing off the new Softail. What an ass, good thing Toni was on Marley’s bike. Did someone get a look at it?” Jackson was on the edge of tears but he wouldn’t cry. The most emotion he was going to show was the lump forming in his throat.
‘Ya, I got a real good look at it. It’s about a quarter of a mile down the gully wrapped around a redwood tree.” Clyde started shaking his head. “Damn kid! What was he thinking?”
Bruce came back up to Clyde and updated him on all the bikes as Marley walked up and told him she was going to sit with Toni.
“It doesn’t look good does it?” She asked. Marley was a tough old bird and had been with Clyde for decades. He had asked her to marry him time and time again, but she always replied been there done that, why change what we have? Clyde loved her so and was worried about them getting up in age. How could either of them be without the other?
“No my love it ain’t looking good Atal” he replied with his thick Texan accent. ‘I hear them sirens a comin’ so get everyone back. Hey Boxx ‘n Kel, tell them sum a bitches to slow down!” the ‘mergency crew is comin!”
The paramedics jumped out of their truck and one ran to Ronnie lying there on the ground while the other opened up the back of the truck and grabbed the equipment then came running to his partner’s side.
Ronnie could now see two strange faces leaning over him and they were speaking but he couldn’t hear them. What are they saying? Hey there’s Marley trying to help Toni up. What’s wrong with her, why can’t she stand. Marley. She had always been like a mom to him. Thank you for introducing Toni to me. I love her so much. Sorry I argued with you about the ride today. Thanks for making Toni ride with you, oh man you know me so well.
The paramedics began working on him right away, they were pulling injectibles out of their cases, ripping gauze packs with their teeth. They were so intense and calling for back up on their shoulder mics. Hey dude, get off my chest. You’re too heavy? Take your hands off my chest man! Wait, I can’t feel anything. He looks like he is pushing on me pretty hard but I can’t feel anything. Something is wrong.
“Everyone is going to need to move back!” Paramedic one was screaming. “The ambulance going to need to get in here. This is a two lane road and we have no room to work on your friend.” Just then the mini screen within the equipment case began to beep and the line went flat.
Ronnie was now looking down at the whole scene and the reality was now sinking in. Is that me? He could see them all around the body working and working, then one stood up and shook his head. Did I die? Am I dead?
“Noooooooo!!” Toni cried as she tried to fight Marley from holding her. “Ronnie don’t leave me. I love you, I love you! Oh my god, pleeeeeese” She broke free and ran to his side and grabbed Ronnie’s hand while on her knees rocking back and forth. “Whyyyyy??! I told you to be careful. Don’t leave me honey, I need you!!!”
Ronnie was right next to her and his body.
“I am so sorry baby, I should have listened. But your going to be ok, I can feel it and I’ll watch for you. I promise, Ok Babe?” Ronnie was standing over her talking to her. “Please don’t cry, I’m not in any pain. I actually feel better than I have in years. Please be happy for me. I wish you could feel what I am feeling right now. Love, Peace and the most beautiful… I can’t describe it to you. I have to go now my love.
I love you….